A Remote Farm, Thomas Nason
The old lady looked down at the kid standing on the other side of her screen door.
He was holding a large paper bag, his arm extended towards her. "You wanna buy some termaters? he said. "Termaters?" she asked. "You got termaters in that big old bag, boy? How much you reckon you want fer 'em?" He grinned. "Ten cents. They're fresh. Just picked 'em from my mama's garden." She opened the screen door and stepped out. "Let me see them expensive termaters" she said, reaching out to take the bag. "Well", she said, "I reckon you must have about 5 pounds of tomaters in this here bag". "Yes'm", he replied. "Only 10 cents a bag." She held the bag up with both hands. "Now you say they's fresh? Just picked? Does yo mama know you out selling her termaters?" she asked. "Yes'm", he said. "We got some shelled butter beans too."
"Tell me boy. How come I never seed you before? You live around here, or ride a bicycle?"
"Yes'm. I live right down yonder, four a five houses. Next door to ms. Mack."
She stood there holding the bag of tomatoes, thinking. "I reckon they's worth a dime." she said. "Let me get ya one." The hinges squeaked when she opened the screen door.

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