The chocolate chip cookie craze is upon me. I've baked cookies every day this week. I know that chocolate chip cookies are not the best thing for a person who had heart surgery slightly more than a year ago, but it's so much fun. To be perfectly honest, I'm not eating all that many. They're mostly consumed by the boys, my wife and the dog. She (the dog) has been known to eat an entire cookie sheet of hot, just out of the oven cookies--in the blink of an eye. Never turn your back on cooling cookies if she's within striking distance. I was on a chocolate muffin binge for awhile and she went nuts for my muffins.
The cookies of the day were different. Flatter and crispier, but they taste fine, and I've heard no complaints. I was just reading in the King Arthur cook book about the effects of humidity and barometric pressure on baking. The humidity is high and the barometer low today. I'm sure that accounts for the difference.
King Arthur suggests adding a teaspoon or two of espresso to the dough to perk up the cookies. I tried it and it works. The cookies were much perkier.

It's about time for me to start baking bread again. We used to bake bread every other day--before we got lazy. But with the price of 4 dollars for a decent loaf of whole wheat bread, I don't think I have a choice. Bake I must. It's the yeast I can do.
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