Mozart For Morning Coffee, a CD of what you might imagine. Worth buying just for cover. It's available at a number of places on the web. Excuse me while a make my second cup and turn the thermostat up a degree or two.
I think I mentioned the new furnace. Actually, new boiler. I've been calling it a furnace, but the guy who installed it corrected me. Boiler. We have radiators in our house. Whatever it is, it does a much better job than the old one. It cost enough. It should. My wife and I think of it as our Christmas present---for the next 15 years or so. We're thinking of having pictures made with us and all the animals standing next to it to send to friends for Christmas.
It is a lovely thing to look at. My wife refuses to go to the basement to see it, though. So I took some pictures. She fell in love with right away, and the next day she mustered the courage to go down to the basement and touch it.
This is the general idea of how a boiler works.

Out of my shoe box of old pictures I give you this one.

One of my favorites.
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