On my way to work every morning I would pass the house where Mr. Jeffries lived. He was always outside sweeping his sidewalk or sitting on his porch reading the paper. And smoking his pipe. I could always smell the fragrance of burning pipe tobacco a few houses from his. Jack, his beagle was usually close by.
I didn't really know Mr. Jeffries. I knew he drove a city bus before he retired and that his wife had died a few years ago, and that he lived alone, except for Jack, of course. And maybe a cat. My wife said she saw an overweight tabby sleeping on the porch last week. I never saw a cat. Just Jack.
It was always comforting to see Mr. Jeffries every morning. He looked so positive about life. He exuded confidence, well-being and contentment. He'd always smile when I passed and I always said, "Morning, Mr. Jeffries. How are you this morning." He never had to think about it. "The Lord is my Shepherd. I shall not want", he replied. I thought that was a very nice way to put it.
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