16 December, 2006

"Shut up about Ann Coulter, already!"

I know. You're right. I should move on and forget about Ann Coulter. I know that you takes pleasure in getting folks riled up. My wife said I'd make a good fish. I can't resist this one though. And it was a long time ago. And does it really matter? Of course not. Just a interesting glimpse into the character of Ms. Coulter.

Ms. Coulter was being interviewed in Canada, by Bob McKeown on the CBC's, "Sticks and Stones". . She had what I suppose would be called the audacity to argue with Mr. McKeown about whether or not Canada sent troops to Viet Nam or not. She asserted they did, and this ignorant Canadian journalist disagreed. He allowed as how Canada sent troops to WWII and Korea though.

Ms. Coulter, on C-Span re the CBC interview:

AC: Yes, 10,000 Canadian troops, at least, there is a War Memorial to them¦at least for most of that. The Canadian Government didn't send troops at the beginning, didn't send troops at the end, but most of that was not under the Canadian flag, they came and fought with the Americans. So I was wrong. It turns out there were 10,000 Americans who happened to be born in Canada.

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