12 January, 2007

Snow is slippery

And then there was Chris Matthews talking to his good buddy, Tony Snow.

"So he (Bush) will seek congressional approval before any action against Iran?"

"You're talking about something we're not even discussing...."

"Yeah, you are Tony, cause look at this, (Quoting Bush) "I recently ordered the deployment of an additional carrier strike group to the region." Isn't that about Iran?"

"Yeah, it's about...uh, yeah, it is. In part. And what it is, is it's saying we're
gonna make sure when anybody tries to take aggressive action...but when Bill Clinton sent a carrier task force into the South China Sea after North Korea fired a missile over Japan that was not as a prelude to war against North Korea. You know how it works!"

Snow didn't say "pal!" but I thought he was. He did give the big smile and silently wink at Matthews. You know how it works!

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