08 December, 2006

Headlines, Iraq Study Group

Bush not swayed by findings in Iraq study Los Angeles Times

Bush cool to report on Iraq Toronto Star

Iraq report picked apart — at home and abroad The Seattle Times

Chilling report highlights stark differences in debate Houston Chronicle

Iraq report reads like rebuke to go-it-alone foreign policy International Herald Tribune

Iraqi study report getting nowhere? China View

Bush calls for new Iraq approach Aljazeera

Blair tries to bridge the gap between Bush and 'realists' on Iraq strategy Times Online, UK

Bush awaiting more input before picking Iraq course Reuters

"I believe we need a new approach," Bush said during a press conference with British Prime Minister Tony Blair, his closest ally on the Iraq war.
"And that's why I've tasked the Pentagon to analyze a way forward. That's why Prime Minister Blair is here to talk about the way forward, so we can achieve the objective, which is an Iraq which can govern itself, sustain itself and defend itself and be an ally in the war on terror." President Bush

Arab world welcomes Iraq Study Group report Christian Science Monitor

Bush: To Win in Iraq, Beat Extremists Forbes.com

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